Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Communication breakdown

Due to a problem with the country's fibre-optic cable, we are currently without internet. Normal service to resume asap!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Sleepy lions.

Aaah, look. Paulo and Eva enjoying a lie-in at the week-end.

P1010325 (small)

Now, where have I seen this before…? Oh yes:

New pics 074

That’s Joaquim at a similar age. And then there’s this:

001 - Copy

And where are all the pictures of me enjoying a lie-in with my children? Oh, yeah, I don’t get lie-ins with my children. Or indeed at all. Grumble, grumble.*

But don’t they all look cute?

*To be fair, Paulo tried to give me a lie-in on Sunday, but Sebastian had other ideas. Specifically, another game of airports. We play airports quite a lot.

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Thursday, July 01, 2010


This girl was made for the 50's.