The many happiness of the Chinese shop.
The Chinese shops that have popped up over the last two years in Pemba have greatly improved my quality of life, selling, as they do, a fantastic range of cheap, useful and useless items. Most of all, they provide moments of unexpected levity. At Christmas, I bought the traditional pair of underpants for Paulo's stocking. This one came with blurb that promised, amongst other things, that these pants "give a man a direction". Today's offering, in a small green bottle: 'Sod milk'.
Labels: Pemba life
Hi Rebecca,
i know you must receive many requests like mine everyday but my husband just got a new project in Mozambique, in the Gaza providence to be exact. we have a 1 year and 7 month old baby girl. I am actually really worried about the move and i dont know what to your blog is a life savior, but i was just wondering if my little girl would enjoy life there if there are nurseries or if she would enventually make friends, did your kids find it hard to move all the way from home to a place that meant nothing to them? i just would really really appreciate it if you could give me an idea about life in general in Mozambique and how your kids handle it...if it was hard for you to adjuest..sorry if am asking too much but its like moving from one side of the world to another...i would be greatfull if i could get a reply from you, a person who has been living there for so many years... My email is YARALISH@HOTMAIL.COM... thx u for reading this
Yara El-Houwayek Rookyard
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