Thursday, August 23, 2007


Oh how I wish I wasn't writing this - yawn. Sebastian, who had been sleeping so well, has started waking up again (sometimes several times a night). All he wants is to sleep on my chest in my bed. No, no no. Shouldn't really complain as I do have two wonderful little boys, but really, surely I deserve some uninterrupted sleep by now. Roll on the week-end, I think I shall pay our fantastic nanny some overtime to take the boys to her house (just down the road) on Sunday morning for a few hours. Always works wonders.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Lil' rocker

Things I wish you could see (a new occasional series):

1. Joaquim playing air guitar to my sister's latest CD as we drive to school.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Back at last

Swisslil has tweaked my conscience. She's in bed suffering from hideous morning, afternoon and night sickness and is likely to be so for some time and yet she manages to update her blog. I have no excuse.

Or maybe one. Joaquim is sick, again. Respiratory tract infection, maybe laryngitis. If it were not for the reassurances of the paediatrician, I would be really quite worried, as it seems he gets everything going. In fact, the next time we spend a long period in Europe, I may take him to a homeopath and try to discover if there is some underlying cause for this tendency to have terrible coughs. We've had a couplke of bad nights, but it's not all bad, he's taking his meds and improving daily.

As is our house. While we were away, little happened. Nothing unusual there. Since we got back however, the roofers have been thatching like crazy and it's really starting to look fantastic. Builders still have a long way to go: no bathrooms, kitchen or floor yet, but it's coming together. Our carpenters have made some solid, handsome doors, and the electrician has finished his installation. A few mistakes have been made, inevitably, but it's starting to look like the house I was dreaming of when I first sketched it many months ago. I even know where I'm going to put the beautiful hand-painted tiles I bought in Portugal.

Work is fine. Again, not much progress made in my absence, more being made now. I have not yet lost that just-back-from-holiday enthusiasm and energy, so I must make the most of it while it lasts. Going out to check progress next week.

One shocking piece of news though. Our housekeeper's daughter - early 20s and 8 months pregnant with her second child - is HIV positive. She just found out. Her mother is calm, as she is an HIV-AIDS activist for her church and as such well-informed, but nonetheless it's a terrible blow. Pemba, as the Provincial capital, has an anti-retroviral treatment programme for those who develop AIDS, so in that way she's lucky, but luck has really nothing to do with it. My fear is that there are so many more young people out there, infected but without knowing it, and nobody seems to be changing their behaviour. Sorry to be grim.

To end on a cheerful note, my sister's book, Gods Behaving Badly, has reached number 19 on the bestsellers'list. Fantastic or what? Get out there and buy a copy, if you haven't done so already. It's a rollicking good read.

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Still on holiday

So my wonderful holiday continues in the UK with a visit from my sister and her 4 kids (much mayhem in my parents' garden and Joaquim covering his cousin Katie with kisses), my other sister's book launch (great party and am I bursting with pride? oh yes), more parks and unexpected fantastic sunny weather.

But, either LAM or Kenya Airways or possibly both have made a mess of our booking, which has effectively been cancelled, leaving us without seats on Monday's flight back, although they may squeeze us in at the last minute, which means we may have to stay a few days longer. Why am I not too gutted at the prospect?